Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chuck's Other Band

NH band "Kings of Crisis" making an impact on America's deployed troops and their families. - "Just 2 months from completion of their song 'From Over Here' the band 'Kings of Crisis' of Dover has received over 75k Myspace hits & more than 150k song plays. Messages of support are received daily.

United States of America (Press Release) August 4, 2008 -- One such message received is from SGT Robert Clark of 2nd Div LTT 2412 in Al Kindi, Iraq. It reads: 'I listened to it and thought wow, what a wonderful song. It totally told the story and feelings of what we go through while we are away from our families and loved ones. It was very touching. I have listened to it like 20 times now and I just love it! It's kinda nice to know that there are people who remember us over here and that they know what we are going through, that and they have the skills to put it in a beautiful song.' Robert goes on to address radio stations themselves by including: 'If you could please play it on the local radio stations so others can hear and understand the pain and the price that we are paying for freedom. Soldiers in all of New England and their families would definitely appreciate this song!'

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