I will try to build this from memory, so feel free to correct as you see fit
I will keep it alphabetical by first name:
- Al Pratt
- Andy Olmsted
- Bob Young
- Brendon Dowd
- Brian Randall
- Charlie Harcourt (need the rest of the Wulfemen)
- Charlie Strater
- Chris Cabral
- Chris Kofer (there is evidence)
- Chuck Farrell
- Danine Chirse
- David Bailey
- David Marshall
- Dave Gerard
- Doug Knutsen
- Ellen Carlson
- Jessica Bro
- Keith "Freaks" Foley
- Kevin Schmidt
- Meredith Padfield
- Michael McGlone
- Michael Tero
- Ned Chase
- Patrick McNeil
- Paul PJ Donahue
- Rob Kneeland
- Rob Nelson
- Saxophone woman
- Sean Yadisernia
- Steve Roy
- Todd Jones
- Virtual Gary
- Walt Kutylowski spelling?
- Will Bean
- Wini Young
- Zeb Cruikshank
- Zeb's bassist.......
- Hoof
- Big Chicken
- The Chicken
- Truffle
- Northern Roots
- Cordwood
- High Range
- The Wulfemen
- Absence of Alice
- State Prison Light Show
- L Wynn Sound